Disciplinary Board

  • cheated during exams or plagiarised academic papers
  • interfered with or hindered teaching, tests, etc.
  • disrupted the university's activities in various ways
  • exposed other students or university employees to harassment of various kinds

The Higher Education Ordinance (1993-100).pdf

The Disciplinary Board consists of the Vice-Chancellor as Chair, a member who is well-versed in the law, and a teacher representative at the university. Students at the university have the right to be represented on the board with two members. The Disciplinary Board meets about 10 times per year.


  • Mats Tinnsten, Vice-Chancellor. Substitute Kim Bolton, Pro-Vice-Chancellor
  • Thomas Andersson, Judge. Substitute Ann-Louise Björnsson, Senior Judge
  • Lillemor Adriansson, Senior Lecturer. Substitute Sara Larsson Fällman, Lecturer
  • Mohamed Al Hamra, student representative
  • Pernilla Segerquist Elgan, student representative
  • Nermina Aljic, Analyst/Presenter/Secretary
  • Petra Gustafsson, Analyst/Presenter/Secretary