Education Quality Assurance Manual

Our education quality assurance work is mainly based on thirteen identified activities that together develop and make our systematic quality assurance work visible. These activities are largely based on long-established processes at the university and are partly regulated by various types of policy documents, guidelines, and procedures. For each activity, the following is shown:

  • what the purpose of the activity is
  • who or which persons is/are responsible for its implementation
  • how the activity is carried out
  • how dialogue, action, and feedback are implemented
  • a timeline, communication channels, and main stakeholders
  • related policy documents and templates (which can be found in Finn)

1a) Ensuring the meeting of national qualitative targets

1b) Ensuring the meeting of national qualitative targets - doctoral level

2) Course evaluation

3)Course report

4) Programme evaluation

5) Programme report

6) Programme Council

7a) Local educational programme evaluation

7b) Local educational programme evaluation - doctoral level

8) National education evaluation (UKÄ)

9) Student surveys, doctoral student surveys, alumni surveys

10) Recruitment of teaching staff

11) Competence development

12) Infrastructure and learning/support resources

13) Quality and business dialogues

In addition to the above activities 1-13 described as being included within the scope of the quality assurance system, the following activity is added.

The university has an implemented process for monitoring the quality assurance system and the systematic quality assurance work for education. Every three years, the Vice-Chancellor appoints a working group to conduct ongoing follow-up work on the systematic quality assurance work for education on an annual basis. The working group is chaired by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor with the support of the university's central quality coordinator. The working group also includes representatives made up of staff, who have an important role to play in the teaching context.

The purpose is to evaluate and assess how well the quality assurance work functions and is used, and whether the system fulfils its purpose, i.e. whether the division of responsibilities, governance and activities in the quality work contribute to the maintenance and continuous improvement of quality in education at the University of Borås. The working group selects the appropriate area(s) to evaluate. The selection is based on the activities collected in the quality assurance manual for education and where shortcomings in how systematic quality assurance work is carried out have been noted. The evaluation object can also be a process/function that is deemed particularly important, but which does not constitute a single activity in the manual.

Serious shortcomings are reported immediately to the Vice-Chancellor’s Management and Quality Council, after which the manager concerned is given responsibility for drawing up an action plan and taking action within the framework of the regular quality work. Shortcomings are followed up in the Vice-Chancellor's dialogues. The working group documents the results of the ongoing monitoring for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the systematic quality work on education in the form of reports. The report also aims to identify both good examples and shortcomings that need to be addressed in order to ensure the quality of the measures implemented.

The report is presented and discussed at the Vice-Chancellor’s Management and Quality Council. The Deans of Faculty are responsible for addressing identified shortcomings. This work is followed up in the Vice-Chancellor's quality dialogues. The report provides a basis for further work on addressing identified gaps and disseminating good practice.

The follow-up process is described in more detail in Procedure for Systematic Follow-up of the Quality Assurance System for Education at the University of Borås, dnr 934-23.