Telephone rules

The University of Borås has new rules for the allocation and use of work mobile phones. Some of the main points are presented below.

  • The use of mobile phones gives employees the opportunity to work more flexibly and at the same time creates conditions for good accessibility. The main rule is therefore that all salaried employees at the university must be equipped with a mobile phone.
  • All employees with a phone connected to the University of Borås are responsible for their own extension, that the phone is used in accordance with the university's rules for telephony, and to find out which services are available, how they work, and to follow instructions for using them. 

Use and accessibility

  • The mobile telephone number is connected to the employee's landline number (033-435 xx xx) in our switchboard.
  • Only the fixed telephone number is published on the website. Those who wish can also have their mobile number published on the website; in that case, please contact
  • Employees are responsible for regularly listening to and handling messages in the voicemail box associated with the extension in the switchboard.
  • Employees are responsible for referring their extension when they are unavailable so that callers are informed when they are again available for calls. Forwarding the university's telephone number to a private number is not permitted.

Work and private use

  • The university's work telephones are intended to be used for work purposes.
  • Employees may use their mobile phone privately as well as long as the requirements of the tax legislation are met.
  • Private use must be in moderation and must not lead to additional costs for the university. This means that additional services for private use (including apps) that generate additional costs for the university may not be downloaded to work mobiles. 


  • Work mobiles are the property of the university and must be treated carefully and sensibly. It must be equipped with a secure screen lock and be kept under close supervision so that no outsider is given access to it.
  • In connection with possible troubleshooting, the mobile phone may be factory reset and content deleted. You yourself are responsible for the ongoing backup of data and files on your mobile phone.
  • Software may only be installed from trusted sources (App Store, Google Play, Microsoft Store or equivalent).
  • Loss of a mobile phone must be reported immediately to the IT Office, which can then block the subscription with the operator. A police report must be made by the employee who lost the mobile phone. 

The document in its entirety can be found in the archives maintained by the Registrar's Office, Reg. no. 088-21.