
Log in

All employees can log in to Canvas with their regular login details. 

To the start page of Canvas

Education in Canvas

We offer training and workshops in Canvas for staff. You will find information, links to educational materials and news on our Swedish web page.
All training and workshops are held in Swedish.

If you as an employee want a so-called test course to work with, please contact the Canvas support team.

Here you will find English guides. Swedish guides are available in the Course "Lär dig Canvas"


If you have any questions regarding Canvas, please contact the support function.

In the Tele2 app found in the company mobile phone, you can search for employees who belong to the Canvas support team. Enter 'Canvas' in the search field and you will get all employees in a hit list.

You can also reach us by phone by calling the switchboard (033–345 40 00) and asking them to connect you to us.