Box basics

Login and navigation

  1. To log in to Box you go to and use your standard username and password for the university's network.
  2. When you've logged in there is a guide on the webpage describing the most used functions.
  3. To get to the home page you choose Files in the menu at the top.
  4. How much storage space you have left to use in the Box service is also displayed, see picture below:

Create folders

To set up a good file structure in the Box service it's recommended you create folders to sort your information, you can also create folders in folders to get a tree structure.

  1. Click on New and choose Folder.
  2. Choose a suitable name for the folder.
  3. Under Collaboration you can choose if it's a private folder or if you want to share it with others. If you wish to share it, fill in the name of whom and what rights they shall have to the folder. You can change these settings later if you wish.
  4. Click Ok to create the folder.
  5. Click on the folder you've created to open it.

Upload a file

  1. To upload a file you can either drag and drop it in your folder or you click the button Upload.
  2. Search for your file through the file explorer that opens up, mark the file you want to upload and then click Open.
  3. Choose upload File or Upload folder
  4. The file will now be uploaded, depending on the size the time can wary a bit. To make file handling easier you can write a comment describing the content of the file, and you can choose to share, move or delete it.

Download a file

  1. Go to the folder in Box where the file you want to download is located.
  2. Click on the filename.
  3. The file will now be loaded in a preview window, the preview window demands that Flash is installed. If you get a pop up window about Flash with a question, answer Yes. Depending on the size of the file it can take a while before the preview is shown. On Box homepage there is a list with file formats that the preview supports.
  4. Click on Download if you want to download the file, click the X to the left if you want to exit the preview.

Delete a file or folder

  1. Go to the folder where the file you want to delete is located.
  2. Mark the checkbox furthest to the right by the file or folder.
  3. Click on the trashcan symbol, then confirm by clicking on Delete.
  4. The file is now in the trashcan. You can restore it from there if you have second thoughts about deleting it. To restore a deleted file, go to the trashcan which is located in the menu under your name in the upper right corner, mark the file you wish to restore and click Restore.