Microsoft Office

The program suite Microsoft Office, which includes Word and Excel, is installed on the university's computers.

Language settings

The standard language in the Office suite is English, you can change this if you want.

  1. Close all open office applications.
  2. Go to Start > Office Applications > Microsoft.
  3. Click Microsoft Office - Språkinställningar - Svenska.
  4. The next time you start any Office application it has Swedish as language.

Support, tips and guides

On Microsoft Office support pages you can search for many guides to the Office applications. Below we have gathered some useful tips!


If you need help with pagination in Word there is clear instructions on this topic on Microsoft Office support pages pagination. You can also find guides on YouTube, for example Page Numbering In Microsoft Word 2010.

Table of contents

If you need help with table of contents in Word, you can visit Microsoft support pages regarding Table of contents.

If page numbers do not appear correctly in the table of contents when you open a Word document, it may be because the document was created or edited in different versions of Word. A document with a table of contents that has been edited in Word Online and then opened in Word Desktop will require a manual update of the table of contents.

To update the table of contents, you can follow these steps below:

  1. Press the tab “References”
  2. Press “Update Table”
  3. Press “Update entire table”

Save a Word document as PDF

If you shall send a Word document by email it is strongly recommended that you save it as a PDF. To save it as PDF choose File > Save as Adobe PDF.

A PDF-file use lesser disk space and is a read only file, but the biggest advantage is that regardless of what unit or platform you open the file on it's always presented in the same way. A Word document can be presented differently if you open it in another program than Word.


For you who use the built-in dictation function in the Office suite. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that what you dictate is sent to Microsoft for processing, however, neither audio data nor captions are stored at Microsoft according to information from the supplier. Despite this, it is important that you are aware that you do not have information with confidentiality, sensitive or extra personal data worthy of protection in what you dictate as according to the GDPR, this data is processed by Microsoft.


If you don't already use shortcuts its certainly something you should try. It surely will make you work more effectively, especially if you work a lot in Word. Below are some of the most common commands, if you mouse over a function in for example Word, if there is a shortcut for that function it is shown.

Common shortcuts

  • CTRL+A Mark the whole text
  • CTRL+C Copy marked text
  • CTRL+X Cut out marked text
  • CTRL+V Paste the copied/cut text
  • CTRL+Z Undo
  • CTRL+S Save the document
  • CTRL+ENTER Insert a page break (without pressing enter until you reach a new page)
  • SHIFT+ENTER Insert a line break (without getting double line spacing)