Research areas and contacts
At the University of Borås, you have the opportunity to study at the doctoral level in five areas: Library and Information Science, the Human Perspective in Care, Resource Recovery, and Textiles and Fashion (artistic and scientific). Related to these research areas are a total of six different subject areas. For each subject, there is a general syllabus that regulates the content and structure of the doctoral education programme.
Caring science
Postgraduate education in the research area The Human Perspective in Care is conducted in the subject of caring science. The area The Human Perspective in Care is theoretically anchored in the humanities, and a holistic view of people who are cared for or work in care in various care and nursing activities. The perspective is based on a human view where there is both the will and the ability to reflect on how good and well-functioning care should be designed. The humanities foundation is about the urgent and meaningful fact that man can both give and need care during different periods of life. The research interest is directed towards issues that study human activities in various care activities, not only as a patient, relative or carer, but also as a manager, employee or nursing student. Caring science is understood as a profession-neutral academic science and theoretical subject that is based on a clear patient perspective as a basis for care. The concept of caring is understood as a deeper dimension of care, aimed at responsibility and care for the person who is vulnerable, vulnerable and in need of care and aims to support and strengthen health and well-being.
The research conducted at the University of Borås has resulted in a solid knowledge base that includes existential issues and care, human experiences of ill health, illness, the right to health, practicing a care profession, the importance of reflection for learning, decision-making, assessment, communication , caring conversations and meetings and with the importance of care environments.
Within the doctoral program, there is continuous supervision of doctoral students with the support of the main supervisor and assistant supervisor. Postgraduate education also consists of postgraduate education weeks where seminars and postgraduate courses are included. The academy's research groups actively participate in the doctoral program and each doctoral student is offered to belong to a research group.
Director of Studies and contact persons for The Human Perspective in Care: Laura Darcy
Research Officer: Daniel Kristiansson
Library and Information science
Doctoral studies are conducted at the University of Borås within the field of library and information science. This includes the processing of meaningful information in a broad sense and how this can be arranged, made searchable and accessible, as well as conveyed by various technologies and information services. The research deals with the conditions and methods for individuals and organisations when it comes to obtaining the required/relevant information for various activities, education, or experiences.
The area focuses on Library and Information Services as well as how individuals and organisations seek, use, and access information. These issues are studied at both the micro and macro level; also included are cultural and information policy issues.
The research environment in Library and Information Science in Borås includes the following more specific subareas and research groups:
• Information Practices (including information retrieval, information usage, and strategic information management)
• Digital resources and services within culture and information (including, among others, the organisation of knowledge, bibliometric IR, and information management)
• Library, culture, and society (including reading research as well as cultural and information policy)
• SMS--Social media studies
Study director and contact person for the PhD program in Library and Information science: Ola Pilerot
Research Officer: Anette Trennedal
Resource Recovery
Resource Recovery includes the development of technical methods for refining and recycling resources - energy and materials - from waste or residual products to enable a transition to a circular economy in society. In addition to technical methods, research on behavioural aspects linked to societal solutions in the recycling of resources is also included.
The research environment is multidisciplinary with the following specializations:
- Biotechnology
- Chemical engineering
- Polymer technology
- Textile technology
- Energy technology
- Resource management
Director of Studies and contact person for Resource Recovery: Päivi Ylitervo
Research Officer: Carina Kauppi
Textile and Fashion Design
For our doctoral program Textile and Fashion Design, the focus is on, both theoretically and practically, deepening the understanding of the interplay between analysis and synthesis in the design process as a basis for the development of design methodology, design techniques and design programs and presupposes an internship-based approach; for design by design.
The development of methodology, programs and techniques presupposes critical experimental artistic work. An in-depth understanding of the expressiveness of materials, techniques and intended use presupposes experimental artistic work in the same way.
The education focuses on artistic design research in the field of textiles and fashion where there is an opportunity to focus on:
- textile design; to develop, deepen and critically illuminate the artistic basis for design as a business and craft with a focus on the expressiveness of textile materials and techniques as they build and express textile products and environments,
- fashion design; to develop, deepen and critically illuminate the artistic basis for design as a business and craft with a focus on the expressiveness of the garment as it dresses and expresses people,
- textile interaction design; to develop, deepen and critically illuminate the artistic basis for design as a business and craft with a focus on the expressiveness of the use of textiles as it defines and expresses textile products and environments.
Director of Studies and contact person for Textile and Fashion: Eva Gustafsson
Research Officer: Petri Granroth
Textile management
The doctoral program Textile Management is a multidisciplinary subject and draws its knowledge base from areas such as business administration, sociology and industrial economics, and subjects within these that address phenomena that are important to the textile industry.
In Textile management, phenomena are studied that, in a broad sense, can be linked to one or more parts of the textile value chain. Subjects such as management, logistics, marketing and consumer behaviour can constitute a theoretical starting point for studies of social and environmental sustainability, material and product development and entrepreneurship in the textile field.
Characteristic of a PhD and licentiate in Textile management is that he has in-depth knowledge of management, marketing and organizational issues that have been brought up to date by society's demands for sustainability, and the increasingly advanced material development that promotes textile innovations and creates an increased use for textile materials. Hen has also developed an approach to the textile value chain that is sustainable in a longer perspective, both from an environmental and a social point of view.
Director of Studies and contact person for Textile and Fashion: Gabriella Wulff
Research Officer: Petri Granroth
Textile technology
The postgraduate program Textile Technology is multidisciplinary in nature and combines different scientific disciplines with many application areas. Textile technology ranges from well-known applications in clothing and interior design to advanced technical products.
The research in textile technology at the University of Borås is therefore characterized by the fact that different technologies are used for socially and industrially relevant applications where typically advanced and smart materials and new processes are central themes.
Characteristic of a technology doctorate and licentiate in Textile Technology is that they have in-depth knowledge of new, advanced smart / functional textile materials and their applications. They have also developed an approach to material development and material use that is sustainable in a longer perspective, both from an environmental and a social point of view.
Director of Studies and contact person for Textile and Fashion: Maria Persson
Research Officer: Petri Granroth
For general information about the university's doctoral education programmes, please contact the university’s Research Education Coordinator, Hanna Kantola.