Jump to main contentHere you will find answers to questions about what suspension means for you as a student.
Stäng What if the case is before the Disciplinary Board but is not yet settled?
You will continue your studies as usual.
Stäng What happens if the Disciplinary Board decides on suspension?
You will receive a decision on the duration and time of the suspension period and during this time the following applies:
Stäng How will my suspension be communicated with the university and other actors?
A suspension will be announced to the relevant Faculty, the IT department, the Student Centre, the University Library, Ladok, the Degree Certification Office, and the Swedish Board of Student Finance. The documents will be held in the university's Registrar’s Office, which means that they may be disclosed to anyone who so requests.
During a suspension, a technical barrier is placed in the study administrative system Ladok that prevents the adding of results and registrations. The suspension can be seen in register extracts but not in study certificates or in certificates taken from the Student Portal. A warning is not recorded in Ladok. In diplomas or course certificates, it will never be visible that a student has been suspended or warned.
You resume your studies. If you need help planning your studies after the suspension, a Study and Career Counsellor/equivalent can help you with this.
According to Swedish law, the principle of public access applies to almost all documents, including documents relating to disciplinary cases. This means that anyone can access the documents that are held in the university's Registrar’s Office. According to the Higher Education Ordinance, the bodies within the university concerned and the Swedish Board of Student Finance must be notified when a decision on suspension has been made.
Stäng What happens if I don't follow the rules of suspension
As a student, you are obliged to follow the rules stipulated in the event of a suspension from studies. Violation of these rules will entail the following:
If you during the ongoing suspension period in any way
Nermina Aljic, Administrative Officer for questions regarding student law +46 (0)33-435 41 62 or Petra Gustafsson, Administrative Officer for questions regarding student law, +46 (0)33-435 43 76.