Non-Completion and Leave From Studies

Leave From Studies

You may apply for approved leave from studies. If there are special grounds, you will be granted leave from studies with guaranteed admission, which means you can resume your studies after the leave period ends. Leave from studies refers to a fixed period, with the possibility of an extension. You can apply based on medical or personal grounds, or other special circumstances. Examples of special grounds are sick leave, care of a child and military duty. This needs to be verified through documentation (e.g., a medical certificate). If the university decides not to approve your application for leave with guaranteed admission, you can submit an appeal to the Higher Education Appeals Board (ÖNH).

However, if you wish to take a leave from your studies for other reasons, for example, to go on a long trip, you only have the right to resume your studies subject to available places.

It is important to note that the programme or course may change content and structure during the time you are on leave from studies. If this is the case, it may affect not completed course components and supplementary studies may be necessary.

During a leave from study the student is not allowed to keep his/her student accommodation

Apply for leave from studies through the web form Application for approved leave from studies


Important information for students with a residence permit for studies

  • When a student has been granted a leave from studies the University of Borås informs the Swedish Migration Agency. Consequently, the Swedish Migration Agency may revoke the student´s residence permit for studies.
  • A leave from studies does not provide any relief from the requirements to obtain an extended residence permit for studies. This means that you – if you apply for an extended residence permit – must show that you have completed the required number of credits.
  • The insurance for tuition-fee-paying students will no longer be valid. The insurance is valid only for the duration of the education period, in accordance with the LADOK system. This means that the student needs to be active and registered on a course in order to be covered by the insurance.


Non-Completion – Programme or Course

Early Non-Completion

Early non- completion means that you discontinue your studies within the first three weeks of the programme or course. In the case of early non-completion, you can apply for the programme or course again at a later date.

Report early non-completion of studies through your account at

Late Non-Completion

Late non-completion means that you discontinue your studies after three weeks from when the programme or course started. In the case of late non-completion you cannot apply for the programme or course again. If you still choose to apply, you will receive a notification that you need to contact an Education officer for possible re-registration.

Report non-completion of studies on a programme through Non-completion of studies (link to web form)

CSN (Swedish Board of Student Finance)

If you have student funding, remember to notify CSN that you are discontinuing your studies. It can also be a good idea to find out what applies if you resume your studies in the future.


If you have any questions regarding resuming your studies, contact your Education Officer