Submit a nomination for the Pedagogical Prize

Last day to submit nominations for the Pedagogical Prize 2024 is 1 March 2025. Submit in the form below.


A teacher working in undergraduate education, Master’s education, or doctoral education can be nominated for the Pedagogical Prize they have made outstanding pedagogical contributions by:

  • demonstrating teaching skills and commitment as well as the ability to plan, initiate, and implement teaching that promotes development and learning among students.
  • consciously and systematically making teaching connections to research based on research in the subject at hand as well as subject didactics and higher education pedagogy.
  • initiating and driving the development of education and teaching in dialogue and collaboration with students.

It is these criteria that you should consider when nominating a teacher. Try to describe in your own words why you think the teacher meets the criteria and deserves the award. The most important thing is that the nomination shows the teacher's pedagogical strengths in relation to the criteria.

Keep in mind that the information given in your submitted nomination is the assessment group's basis for its own assessment, so develop your answers as much as you can.

Here's how to submit a nomination

  • Name the teacher you want to nominate
  • Describe overall why you want to nominate this particular teacher
    More specifically:
    - Give examples of how the nominee show teaching skills and commitment
    - Tell how the nominee, through their teaching, create opportunities for development and learning
    - Describe how research and scientific knowledge are expressed in the teaching given by the nominee
    - Give examples of how you/the student group and other stakeholders were involved in the development of teaching by the nominee

The assessment group consists of two representatives of the student union (Studentkåren i Borås) supported by the Pro-Vice-chancellor, and representative of Enheten för högskolepedagogisk utveckling och forskning, HUF (the Unit for Higher Education Pedagogical Development and Research). The student representatives have the deciding vote.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).


We need your consent to process the information you provide about yourself in the form. The information will be processed by those responsible for the event at the university in order to plan and manage the event and to communicate with you. The data will be stored within the EU/EEA and will be deleted after the event.

Read more about how the university processes personal data