The 2nd Nordic Bibliometric Infrastructure Spring Meeting

This event serves as the follow-up Spring Meeting for bibliometricians and policy analysts working to develop open infrastructures for bibliographic and research data to support policy and research.

The primary focus of this meeting is to explore opportunities and key steps for creating sustainable and viable infrastructure within a Nordic context. The overarching theme of the Spring Meeting 2025 centers on methodologies for building a Nordic research infrastructure using various open data sources and implementing it effectively across different organizational levels—from bibliometric units at universities to national initiatives and specific research disciplines.

Additionally, we will take this opportunity to establish a steering committee for a Nordic Bibliometric Infrastructure. This committee will contribute expertise, experience, and strategic action to advance a collaborative Nordic effort in this area.


We have prepared a program featuring invited presentations, but there will also be opportunities for participation in discussions, as well as an open session on the second day where participants can propose presentations. If you are interested in presenting an ongoing project or an idea for a service relevant to the community, please submit a title and a short description (max. 300 words) to the conference organizers by [date]. You are welcome to come as you are or bring a brief presentation, coding material, or any other relevant resources for discussion in a workshop setting. We expect all participants to engage actively in discussions. Depending on the number of attendees, sessions will be conducted either in smaller groups or as a full gathering.


The workshop operates under a no cost model. Water and some refreshments will be available at the localities, but we will pay for our own provisions (BYOM - Bring your own meals). On the evening of the 7th of April, we will find somewhere to eat dinner together.

Please note that there are no opportunities for helping with travel arrangements, accommodation, or any other economic support at this time.

Event Details

  • Date: 7-8 April, 2025
  • Location: Chalmers University of Technology, Sven Hultins Gata 6, 412 58 Gothenburg
  • Venue: SB-L200 (Room #2204)
  • Time: Commencing with registration at 10:00 on Monday, the 7th of April, and concluding not  later than 16:00 on Tuesday, the 8th of April.

Program Highlights:

  1. Introduction Sessions with an international outlook
  2. Sessions:
  3. Panel Session with Nordic perspectives
  4. Local solutions
  5. Open Session – A Workspace
  6. Final session: setting up the Steering committee and the way ahead

Full programme

(still in preparation, all speakers have not been confirmed yet, those with an asterisk will participate in Gothenburg)


10.30 Registration 


11.00 Session 1: Keynote

Barcelona declaration
*Ludo Waltman, CWTS, University of Leiden, NL

Followed by:
What does it take in practice: Goals – Actors – Tasks (group work)


12.30 Lunch

13.30 Session 2: Keynote

The Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative (COKI)
*Cameron Neylon, Curtin University, AU

Followed by

TBD (group work)


15.30 Session 3: Panel discussion

From Barcelona to Gothenburg: Nordic cooperation on open data for research system analysis
*Denmark: Mogens Sandfær, DTU Orbit
*Norway: Jon Holm, RCN
*Finland: Joonas Nikkanen, CSC
Sweden: Peter Sjögårde, KI
*Gustaf Nelhans UofB - moderator


17.00 End of day 1


9.00 Session 4: National perspectives: invited presentations

Open Alex with SUNET: Tobias Jeppsson, KTH; SUHF:s Bibliometrics Workgroup.
*The Danish Research Portal: Mogens Sandfæer, DTU Orbit
Open alex in Nordic countries (TBD)


11.00 Session 5: Open session: local workflows and bold assertions

OPEN presentations: 3-4 presentations


12.30 Lunch


13.30 Session 6
The road ahead

- Nordic Bibliometric Infrastructure Steering Committee


15.00 End


Registration - NBI spring meeting

This Spring Meeting is an excellent platform for bibliometricians who utilise coding and programming techniques, to exchange ideas, share insights, and collectively contribute to the evolving field of bibliometrics.

We look forward to your active participation and valuable contributions to make this event successful. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to the organisers.

Best regards,
Gustaf Nelhans, Ivar Ternsell Torgersen and Jon Holm, for the Nordic Bibliometric Infrastructure (NBI) planning committee.

sikt.noThe Swedish School of Library and Information Science

The event is supported by

The Research Council of Norway


Data as Impact Lab