Registration - NBI spring meeting

  • Date: 7–8 April, 2025
  • Location: Chalmers University of Technology, Sven Hultins Gata 6, 412 58 Gothenburg
  • Venue: SB-L200 (Room #2204)
  • Time: Commencing with registration at 10:00 on Monday, the 7th of April, and concluding not  later than 16:00 on Tuesday, the 8th of April.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Are you interested in participating in the self cost dinner on the evening of the 7th of April? *

Processing of personal data

We need your consent to process your personal data in the registration form. The information will be processed by those who are responsible for the event, in order to plan and administer the event and communicate with you. The information will be stored within the EU/EEA, and erased a month after the event is concluded.

The University of Borås is the controller of the processing, and the legal basis for the processing is article 6.1 (a) GDPR (consent).

It’s completely voluntary to consent. If you consent, you may withdraw the consent at any time.

Read more about how the University of Borås process your personal data and your rights.