Alumni THS

Alumni Network of the Swedish School of Textiles

Nurturing and building your network of contacts can be beneficial for your career, no matter where you are professionally. In working life, you can benefit from your prior fellow students, both through knowledge exchange but also through industry-wide collaborations. Through staying in touch with students and teachers from your time at the university, you can gain new perspectives and develop. The Alumni Network can also be a good arena for finding new partners and also a path to skills development.


There are several different alumni groups on LinkedIn. The Swedish School of Textiles has a general group to which all such alumni are welcome to apply for membership. There is also a general group for the entire university. In addition, there are also educational programme-specific groups for those who have studied at the Swedish School of Textiles. Keep in mind that it needs to be visible on your profile on LinkedIn that you have studied at the university in order for your application to join the group to be accepted.

Do you want help creating an alumni group for your educational programme? Send an email to