1 April
New tools with AI elements are being developed for research, but what am I allowed or able to use? This Rise and Shine focuses on some of the guidelines regarding the use of generative ...
Jump to main content1 April
New tools with AI elements are being developed for research, but what am I allowed or able to use? This Rise and Shine focuses on some of the guidelines regarding the use of generative ...
4 April
The doctoral students Matilda Johansson and Sabrina Kopf are giving notification of the dates of their separate upcoming doctoral thesis defence in a "spikning" event, or the posting of a doctoral thesis, which ...
11 April
The doctoral student Najmeh Mousavi will give notification of the date of her upcoming doctoral thesis defence in a "spikning" event, or the posting of a doctoral thesis, which is a traditional event in Swedish ...
23 April
Do you engage in systematic searches? Do you want to ensure the replicability of your study? Join this 20-minute session on PRISMA, which is used to document searches. (Moved from April 9th.) Zoom: https://hb-s...
7 May
Become more organized with your references. This Rise and shine helps you to get started with Endnote, a tool for managing references and more! Zoom: https://hb-se.zoom.us/j/66640642560 (restricted to HB accounts ...
15 May
Bibliometrics is important and helpful but causes problems if we just stair us blind on h-index and JIF. This presentation focuses on responsible use of bibliometrics. Zoom: https://hb-se.zoom.u...
20 May
RapidILL is a quick way to get hold of your articles and book chapters from other libraries. We will tell you more. Zoom: https://hb-se.zoom.us/j/66640642560 (restricted to HB accounts via SSO login, the usual way we sign on to ...
27 May
We love research data and this morning you have a chance to get a glimpse of issues surrounding data management, storing and sharing after finished project. Zoom: https://hb-se.zoom.u...
3 June
The library subscribes to Scopus AI - a search tool that takes advantage of generative AI to enrich your search experience. This Rise and Shine introduces the tool and some of its features. Zoom: https://hb-se...