The library is updating its criteria for which books generate overdue fines when returned after the due date.
Jump to main content2025-01-07
The library is updating its criteria for which books generate overdue fines when returned after the due date.
Have you considered how you can share and make your research data accessible to other researchers, and to the public? The university recommends Zenodo as the answer to that question.
The library's support for students in searching for information is transitioning from a bookable service to being offered as a drop-in activity.
In Primo, there is now an AI assistant that allows you to ask questions about a topic in natural language. The answer to a question consists of a summary of five sources, related questions, and a link for further se...
In Scopus, there is an AI assistant that allows users to ask questions about a topic in natural language. The answer to the question consists of a summary with sources from Scopus material, a concept map, and related questions.
In open science, the term FAIR is used a lot. You might hear calls for research data to be FAIR or for researchers to follow the FAIR principles. So, what does the concept of FAIR mean when it comes to research? And what are ...
For four weeks, you have the opportunity to test the AI feature in the Scopus database. If you would like a presentation of the tool, you are welcome to attend Rise and Shine on September 18th.
Do you want to use a system that helps you better manage your references? Then EndNote might be the thing for you. Take the chance to participate in a webinar and get to know the system.
At the end of August and the beginning of September, you have the opportunity to test the AI-supported search function in the Web of Science database.
During the summer, the library has changed opening hours and loan times for printed books. Here you can read more about what applies this summer.