Borrowing terms and conditions
To become a borrower at the University of Borås library you have to agree to the following borrowing terms and conditions. These may change, upon which this change will be announced on the library webpage, where a current version of the terms and conditions always will be available. As a borrower are you responsible for keeping informed and following the current terms and conditions.
General library information
- The collections are made up of various materials with different borrowing policies
- The borrowing terms for how the material in the collections can be borrowed vary depending on the type of material and the borrower category.
- The library’s borrowing policies, opening hours, addresses, fines and charges are posted on the webpage.
Library account
- To get a library account you have to show a valid photo ID. Student or staff at other universities must also show a campus card or similar.
- The library account is personal. The account holder is responsible for all loans made with an account, including any fines or charges.
- Students and staff at the University of Borås have the right to make local loans and interlibrary loans.
- Students and staff at other universities have the right to make local loans and interlibrary loans.
- Persons without university affiliation who are at least 16 years of age have the right to make local loans, with the exception of books that are classified as course literature at the University of Borås.
- Persons under 18 years of age must have the permission of a guardian, submitted through the appropriate form (pdf), to open a library account.
- Students and staff at the University of Borås will have their library accounts connected to their university user accounts and associated access card, which will serve as a library card. The loss of a access card should be reported to the library immediately.
- It is the borrower’s responsibility to keep contact information on file with the library up to date. This applies to both email addresses and postal addresses. For students and staff at the University of Borås, address information will be automatically imported from the university’s central system.
Loan periods, loan renewals and requests
- The borrower is responsible for returning borrowed material by the due date.
- No new loans will be permitted if the borrower has an overdue item that has been requested by another borrower.
- If there are no requests on an item, it will be renewed automatically, except in cases where the maximum loan period has been reached.
- If automatic loan renewal isn’t possible, a reminder to return the borrowed material will be sent by email.
- If there are no requests on an item that has reached the maximum loan period, it is possible to borrow it for another period. However, to do so the borrower first has to bring the item to the library.
- Requested material will be placed on the indicated shelf in the library, sorted by borrowers’ names for pickup and borrowing.
Interlibrary loans – Borrowing from other libraries
- The library can provide material from other Swedish and foreign libraries and archives, provided the requested material is not available in the library’s collections.
- Students who request article copies may have to pay a fee.
- Interlibrary loan material is subject to the terms and conditions of the lending library.
Late fines, return notices and invoices
- Material that are not returned on time and are requested by another patron will be accrued an overdue fine
- Material that has not been returned by the due date will be demanded back by the library through email notifications.
- Borrower accounts will be blocked for new loans if the borrower has an outstanding fine of 100 SEK or more.
- Material more than 14 days overdue will be invoiced by the library. This includes interlibrary loans from other libraries.
- Invoices consist of any applicable overdue fines, replacement charges, and administrative costs for each item.
- If an item is returned after an invoice has been sent, the replacement charge is annulled, but the overdue fine and administrative cost must still be paid.
- Invoiced fines and charges should always be paid using the invoice, with payment going to the library’s bank giro account.
- If an invoiced item is returned after the invoice has been paid, the borrower can apply to have the replacement charges reimbursed. However, the overdue fine and administrative cost will not be reimbursed.
- Unpaid invoices will be passed on to a debt collection agency.
Privacy Policy
The University Library is bound under § 3 chapter 40 of the Swedish law Offentlighets- och sekretesslagen (SFS 2009: 400) for the data files on individual loans, reservations and other types of orders.
Processing of personal data
Anyone who wants to become a borrower at the University Library at the University of Borås needs to leave some information about them. The information the University Library needs to collect is name, Swedish personal identity number, address, telephone number and e-mail address. The data will be used to handle the loans you make at the University Library, including any overdue fines
The data will be accessible to the University Library staff. In the case of billing of fines and fees, the university's finance department will also be given access to the data. In the event of non-payment of an invoice, the information will be forwarded to the procured collection company. In case of changes in the University Library Borrowing Terms & Conditions, or other major changes affecting University Library users, the e-mail address may be used in an external mail system.
The data will be deleted when the borrower is no longer considered active.
The borrower can, at any time, notify the University Library that they no longer wish to be a borrower at the library. The University Library account will then be deleted, provided there are no active loans, fines or fees at the University Library.
The University of Borås is the controller of the current processing of personal data, the legal basis for the processing is article 6.1 (e) in the GDPR.
As borrower you have a number of rights according to GDPR. More information about these can be found at the university’s web page.
This information is subject to change.