Plan Research Data

More and more research funders will demand research management plans (DMP). This is a document used to describe how research data is managed during the research process, and after a research project has finished. The purpose of a DMP is to make it easier to preserve and make the research data openly accessible. A DMP is a living document that is continually updated.

The point of a DMP is to highlight various aspects of data management, such as gathering, documenting, processing, storing and archiving it so that it is possible to reuse it in future research. What this documentation looks like depends on research field, type of data, and requirements from the hosting institution or external funders.

The Swedish Research Council (VR) and the Swedish National Data Service (SND) have recommendations and templates for how to write DMPs.

The Swedish Research Council's recommendations for data management plans.

The Swedish National Data Service's checklist for data management plans.

If you want support and service from the university's Data Management Unit you can contact

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