Coordinated scheduling and room booking now being implemented

"The aim is to streamline the scheduling and booking of teaching rooms at Campus Borås, as well as the booking of rooms for examinations," said Lena Wallengren, sub-project leader for the Routines and Processes sub-project.
The project is being carried out in two stages, with the first part of stage 1 introducing a new method for non-academic staff to book meeting, conference, and group rooms in KronoX.
Stage 1 has been in effect since 15 August. In November, booking rules, including deadlines for scheduling and booking teaching rooms, will be introduced. Only main bookers at Academic Support are authorised to book teaching rooms with 65 seats or more. The timing of the implementation of stage 2 will depend on the outcomes of stage 1 and has therefore not been scheduled.
Read about Scheduling and Room Booking
More information can be found in the records: Vice-Chancellor’s decision October 2022, Dnr. 727-22
Administrative Director’s decision November 2022, Dnr. 937-22
Solveig Klug
Suss Wilén