When someone suffers a stroke, time and choice of treatment are critical factors. The outcome largely depends on how quickly the person receives the right care. If the ambulan...
Several researchers from the university are included in a prestigious international ranking of the world’s most cited researchers. The list was created by researchers at Stanford University ...
It is difficult to make e-hand stores profitable. The new ReLoRe project will investigate the logistical success factors and challenges the industry is experiencing in order to share best...
The university has received reinforcement in teaching and research on AI in management through Sven Beiker, who is an Adjunct Professor of Industrial Engineering, with a back...
A year ago, Maria Brovall began her role as a professor of caring science at the University of Borås. Caring for cancer patients, particularly those with breast cancer, has bee...
Recently, Sweden was approved as a full national member of the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH). The membership provides researchers in Sweden with access to a rang...
15 October
The Higher Seminars aim to introduce contemporary research and professional work within the field of design, art, media, music and more. The Higher Seminars consist of lectures around the field of design. Some of the lectures are ...
21 October
Welcome to this seminar where Karin Byström, Uppsala University Library, Annalena Cronemo, Vitterhetsakademien´s library, Anna ...
23 October
You are welcome to this seminar titled Some Mathematical Structures of Feynman Integrals. Speaker: Felix Tellander, Oxford University Read more about the seminar The seminar will be conducted in English and is organised by the ...