The Centre for Cultural Policy Research (KPC)

The Centre for Cultural Policy Research (KPC for its initials in Swedish) is a research centre at the University of Borås.

The Centre for Cultural Policy Research (KPC)

Focus areas

KPC has three stated areas of focus for its activities:

  • Basic research: KPC works to create a qualified, vital, and sustainable research environment by applying for and participating in various research projects together with colleagues at the national and international levels. Active participation in international conferences in the cultural policy field and publication in international journals are other types of activities that members participate in.
  • Contract research: An important part of the centre's work is that members of KPC are engaged to conduct on-going research, qualified evaluations, and investigations of governmental authorities such as the Swedish Arts Council and the Swedish Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis as well as of cultural policy administrations and councils at the regional and municipal levels.
  • Collaboration: KPC works at the interface between academia and the cultural practice field where collaboration between field actors is of central importance. This is done by, among other things, participating in recurring meetings and conferences as well as through the practice field's participating in the centre's advisory reference group.


KPC has a reference group of experts and representatives from the practice field so as to anchor the work in practice and function as a link to decision makers and practitioners.  An important task of the reference group is to identify and propose relevant areas and problems to the centre.

Goals and vision

KPC is a research-strategic hub for research relevant to cultural policy at both the regional and national levels.

KPC is a natural partner for municipalities, regions/counties, and state administrations as well as organisations involved with research and development in the cultural field.


Ongoing projects

Concluded projects


Researchers/University employees