Jenny Johannisson

Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT (including The Swedish School of Library and Information Science)
— Swedish School of Library and Information Science

Telephone: 033-435 4428


Room number: C501

Signature: JJO

Since 2013, I have been an Associate Professor in Library and Information Science. In my research, I have primarily focused on municipal and regional cultural policy in the context of globalisation processes. Through a series of research projects, I have highlighted how municipal and regional administration manage a political shift towards increased autonomy in the cultural policy area. As part of two EU projects, I have also researched the societal significance of culture. My teaching mainly concerns cultural policy, but also research methods.

Ever since I started at the University of Borås in 1995, an important focus for me has been to collaborate with other researchers, academic institutions, and sector actors to contribute to the development of research and other knowledge production on cultural policy in Sweden and internationally. Therefore, I have been involved in establishing and managing two academic journals in the field, and from 2012 to 2020, I was the chair of the scientific committee for The International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR), which is held biennially in collaboration with the International Journal of Cultural Policy. For the same reasons, from 2018 to 2024, I worked both at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science and as an analyst at the Swedish Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis.


Current assignments

External member of Södertörn University’s Governing Board, 2020–

Previous assignments

Deputy director, Swedish Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis, 2019–2024

Member, Expert Group for Evaluations and Special Studies, Swedish National Council of Adult Education, 2019–2023

Member of the scientific council to Child and Youth Studies, University West, 2016–2021

Chair of the International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR) Scientific Committee, 2012–2020

Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research, University of Borås, 2014–2018

Chair of SweCult (Swedish Cultural Policy Research Observatory), Linköping University, 2010–2013

Co-editor of Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research (Linköping University Electronic Press, ISSN: 2000-1525), 2008–2012

Editoral Secretary of Nordisk Kulturpolitisk Tidskrift (Nordic Journal of Cultural Policy Research) (University of Borås: ISSN: 1403-3216), 1998–2006

Researcher's publications in DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet)

Doctoral thesis title

The Local Meets the World: Cultural Policy (Re)construction in the City of Göteborg during the 1990s (in Swedish).

Latest publications

Concluded research projects



Research groups