Moisture effect on the mechanical properties of wood Moisture effect on the mechanical properties of wood PhD project - moisture effect on the mechanical properties of wood Start date: 2015-06-01 End date: 2019-04-30 - Researchers/University employees Expand Researchers/University employees Research groups Expand Research groups Civil Engineering Research within civil engineering focuses on the major challenges facing society in terms of housing and renovation as well as resource management ... Areas Expand Areas Resource Recovery The Swedish Centre for Resource Recovery (SCRR) is a multidisciplinary research environment that conducts world-leading research, education, and in... Centres Expand Centres Centre for Sustainable Society Development (CHS) The centre’s primary role is to initiate, support, develop, and coordinate activities that are related to sustainable society development. The cen... Funders Expand Funders Formas - The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning Gunnar Ivarsons stiftelse för hållbart samhällsbyggande