Elisa Tattersall Wallin

Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT (including The Swedish School of Library and Information Science)
— Swedish School of Library and Information Science

Telephone: 033-435 4025

Email: elisa.tattersall_wallin@hb.se

Room number: D412

Signature: ELTA

I have a PhD in Library and Information Science. My research interests relate to information practices, reading practices and digital methods. I predominantly do research on two strands related to this, one focusing on how information about climate change and sustainability is spread, shaped and used on social media and other digital platforms. The other strand relates to reading and reading habits with a focus on new reading practices in digital environments.

In March 2022 I completed my PhD at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science. My thesis project was about audiobooks and reading practices, with a particular emphasis on temporal and spatial aspects of use and the information infrastructure wherein these practices are shaped, such as subscription services, streaming, platforms, apps, user interfaces, smartphones and headphones. The user group chosen for exploring these reading practices were young adults in Sweden aged 18–20. In this Swedish podcast episode I talk about the thesis and some of the most important findings: https://digiteket.se/inspirationsartikel/lyssnande-lasning-i-ungdomars-vardag/

In 2023 the thesis was awarded runner up (2nd place) in the prestigious international iSchool doctoral dissertation award which recognizes outstanding work in the information science field.

My teaching predominantly revolves around research methods, thesis writing, and information practices in digital cultures. I am also programme coordinator for the international master’s programme in Information science: Digital environments.



iSchools doctoral dissertation award 2023, runner up.

Researcher's publications in DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet)

Doctoral thesis title

Sound Reading: Exploring and conceptualising audiobook practices among young adults (2022)