Hamid Movaffaghi
Associate Professor Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business (including The Swedish School of Textiles)
— Department of Resource Recovery and Building Technology
I am Senior Lecturer in Building Technology and Associate Professor of Structural Engineering at the Department of Engineering at the University of Borås. My work consists of teaching, supervision and research. I have a master's degree in Civil Engineering with a specialization in computational mechanics in 1990. I also defended my dissertation in the subject of Structural Mechanics at Chalmers University of Technology in 2007.
My competence includes both numerical methods for structural analyzes with focus on FEM and optimization algorithms, and knowledge in structural engineering.
I am Quality Coordinator of Research and Education at the Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business.
I currently teach Computer Aided Structural Engineering, Solid Mechanics and Geotechnics and Foundation Engineering at the undergraduate level. I also usually supervise and examine several degree projects every year. Previously, I have taught courses at several universities such as CTH, KAU, LNU and JU both at undergraduate and master's level.
In research, I am particularly interested in the design of sustainable structures. Parts of my ongoing research are based on the application and development of algorithms for multi-criteria analysis for the selection of concepts in product development. I also research the automatic connection of commercial computer programs based on optimization algorithms and FEM.
I conduct the research in collaboration with research colleagues, at both the University of Borås and the Technical University of Jönköping. In a couple of cases, we have collaborated with both manufacturing companies and software companies that are interested in new or improved products that the research results can lead to.
Assistant Supervisor for the following doctoral students
Habib Loubani
Doctoral Student
033-435 4066