Lina Palmér
Docent Associate Professor
Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare
— Department of Caring Science
Scientific leader in Caring Science
Leader for the research group Caring and Learing on Lifeworld basis
Member in the Committee of Education
Principal Supervisor for the following doctoral students
Jenni Isaksson
Doctoral Student
033-434 4449

Assistant Supervisor for the following doctoral students
Supervisor for external doctoral students
- Bihandledare för Anna Chevez Karlström, Göteborgs universitet
- Bihandledare för Ulrica Bergsvind, Högskolan Dalarna
Researcher's publications in DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet)
Doctoral thesis title
Breastfeeding and Existence: Motherhood, Vulnerability and Interdependency when Breastfeeding is Initiated.