Team owner
The team owner is responsible for the information in each team and the team owner's manager is main responsible, regardless of whether this person is part of the team or not. When new members are added to the team, regardless of whether they are university employees or external parties, it is the team owner's responsibility to inform about the university's storage rules and other necessary rules for processing information in the team.
The team owner is responsible for ensuring that information in the team is culled / deleted continuously according to established routines and that information is archived according to the current information management plan. See also Archiving and culling below.
The team owner is the one who adds members to the team and thus also the rights. To make it the administration easier, two team owners per team are recommended. Everyone in the team has access to all the information in the team. However, the underlying channels can be limited to fewer people than those included in the team.
The files that are uploaded to a team or in a channel can be accessed from everyone who is part of the team or channel.
Team member or guest
As a member of a team, regardless of whether you belong to the University of Borås or are invited as a guest, you are responsible for following the rules that the university has regarding the storage and processing of information.
- If a member of the team ends his employment, the person disappears from the team, but all posts, comments, etc. will remain.