Can your research make an impact?

Right now, we have a pilot project, Impact Case, where you as a researcher have the opportunity to get resources and support to try out an impact case study based on your research results. Does this sound like something for you? Scroll down and register your interest in the form!

What is an impact case study?

In short, an impact case study a method that shows and reports the actual impact of the research or educational activities from your research. An impact case study thus focuses on societal impact rather than academic, even though it should be based on academic research. This should mean demonstrating a long-term change that is perceived positively by many actors outside academia.

An impact case study is also a good basis for communicating how your research has affected society, for example through a film, popular science article or similar, which can be used for a broader knowledge of your research and collaboration.

Output, outcome, and impact

An impact case study is built up by considering and demonstrating the research's activities, knowledge assets, collaboration activities, direct results and, above all, how they can lead to benefits in society. This is reported in a way that distinguishes between output, outcome, and impact.

Output – The direct results of your research project, report, or article.

Outcome – The results of your research begin to be applied to a societal actor.

Impact – A change in society such as new ways of working for an actor, new legislation, or the like takes place. The change can be large or small; the focus is that there is a positive change outside of academia. This is the part that takes the longest because change often takes time to implement.

Impact case studies are a way of showing the benefits of academic research, as the research is taken from theory to societal impact. It is also a way for you as a researcher to create interest in your Faculty from the public and make new contacts.

Criteria for applications:

  • You must have a result from a completed research project that an impact case study can be based on.
  • For example:
    • A report
    • An article
  • You need to have output from your research that you can build your Impact on.
  • You must have a permanent position at the University of Borås.

We will review your application and contact you to discuss how we can take your research to the next level. Then we will make an assessment of which two will proceed for the pilot project.

Even if you are unsure whether your research fits into the form of an impact case study, we encourage you to apply. This is also a way for us at Collaboration to gain better insight into which projects can be relevant for interdisciplinary collaborations.

We also want to get in touch with those who want to do an impact case study later on!

What happens after you apply?

We will review your application and contact you to discuss how we can take your research to the next level. Then we will make an assessment of which two will proceed for the pilot project.

Indicate interest in the pilot project

Do you want to use your research results in an impact case study? Fill in the interest form to get more information about how we can help you spread information about your research!

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

By submitting the contact form, you agree that the University of Borås collects and processes your submitted information in a database, which is managed by the Communications Office, in order to be able to handle your case in the best way and to be able to save the information if we wish to contact you in collaboration issues. Your information may also be sent by email to the person responsible in order to be able to answer/process your case.

You can revoke the consent at any time and then we will make sure to delete your information. Read more about how the University of Borås processes personal data on