Rules for publishing photos and films

Inform before photographing/filming
When are editorial photos needed?
When is a model agreement needed?

Inform before photographing/filming

Ask before you take a photo or film a person. Make sure that the person in question is okay with the image or film use, especially in social media. Written consent is always preferable, but oral consent works. Keep in mind that you have to be very clear about what this means. Refer to the information available on the university's website at

At events, you can, for example, provide information about the website on posters in the room and on business cards. Use this web address when informing people:

Publication of photos and films that include employees and students should primarily occur when there is a firm legal basis in relation to public interest. The same should also apply in relation to those other than employees and students.


Basically, the necessary requirement is that the purpose of the occasion of processing personal data is that it is necessary in order to perform a task of general interest, i.e. that the publishing must be necessary when it comes to information about the university's activities in this particular case. To assess whether something is necessary, one needs to assess what alternative ways exist to achieve the same result without processing personal data.

Of importance for that assessment is that photos and films with employees, students, and other people can add value that cannot be achieved without photos and films. For example, photos and videos can clarify the content, reinforce the message, create belonging and recognition, and in other ways enrich the information. The right photos can contribute to the information’s receiving more attention and having a greater impact than otherwise, and pictures are often important for the end result. The wrong photos or films, on the other hand, can have a negative effect. For example, photos or films that are irrelevant or otherwise inappropriate. In order to be able to claim that the publishing is necessary, the photos and films should therefore be appropriate in terms of the communication goals. 

When are editorial photos needed?

In the cases below, there may be a need to take editorial photos/films.

At events

Examples of events: Open house, Career Fair, research seminars, Academic Ceremony, doctoral thesis defences, giving out scholarships, Exit, degree programme graduations.

In interviews for news articles

The general approach is that there is to be a photo of the person who is speaking in the text. If the interviewee does not want to be in the photo, you can consider choosing to interview someone else or publishing the news article without a photo.

For social media

If people add value to the content.


You can use a written or oral consent.

Written consent

Obtain written consent in situations where it is necessary to ensure that the person in question really understands what the use of photos means. This can mean, for example, photos with children or other vulnerable individuals, or a use of an image that is unexpected and that we cannot or have difficulty stopping afterwards.

Oral consent

Oral consent is used when photographing and filming university staff. 


Here you can download a form for Consent to publish photos or films.


Remember that you who receive a written consent are responsible for saving it. In the event of a withdrawal of consent, you are responsible for ensuring that the image is not used in the future. This also applies to oral consent. The person who revokes consent must be able to state when and in what context the consent has been given.

When is a model agreement needed?

In addition to editorial material, we use models in several contexts, such as marketing and educational materials. When material by a depicted person is to be used in this way, a model agreement is needed.

The agreement exists to ensure that the person depicted understands the conditions for how photos and/or films may be used. Unlike an editorial image, model agreements are binding over a period of three years and the use ceases thereafter. All Model Agreements must be formally archived with the Registrar’s Office.

During the model agreement's validity period, the material can be used freely by the university in its media. The contract describes the model's rights under current legislation. The agreement also informs about the university's right to use the material in countries outside the EU through publication via social media, such as Facebook, Youtube, and similar.

The university provides a template for the model agreement as this needs to be updated with specific information depending on the assignment. Changes may only be made where specified.

Here you can download a template of the model agreement (.docx)