Textile Overview - Assembly techniques 3 hp

Autumn 2024
Part-time 10%, Mixed times
No obligatory attendance

Spring 2025
Part-time 10%, Mixed times
No obligatory attendance

Autumn 2025
Part-time 10%, Mixed times
No obligatory attendance

In this course you will learn about the different techniques used today in industry when merging textile materials into clothing and other textile products. The course gives you an overview and basic knowledge of the most common joining techniques and industrial machines with seams made of needle and thread. You will also gain an insight and understanding of other techniques such as taping, gluing and welding and when they can or cannot be used instead of, or as a complement to, traditional sewing.

This course is for:

  • For you who lack a textile bachelor, but are interested in our master's program in textile technology
  • The textile industry and the public sector who see a need for basic knowledge in fiber and yarn technology
  • You who want to learn about industrial assembly techniques