Big weaving machine

Textile Production and Innovation 180 hp

Autumn 2025
Full-time 100%, Day

The programme in short

This programme is designed based on the current and future needs in the textile industry, where technical textiles, a digital transformation of the industry, compliance with regulations and laws regarding textile products, as well as innovations at the material, product, and process levels are key areas to enable more local and flexible production. You will be working in an international environment.

Work with innovations and sustainability

Textile Production and Innovation suits those of you with an interest in the technical side of things and it prepares you to work with innovative products and processes, as well as sustainability aspects in the textile industry.

Programme structure

The programme comprises three years of full-time studies corresponding to 180 credits, where the main field of study Textile Technology is a permeating element of all three years.  This means that introductory textile courses in fibre and yarn technology, knitting, weaving and non-woven techniques, dyeing and finishing, as well as assembly and processing  form the basis for the broad textile competencies on which the programme is based. These introductory courses are what make your education unique, not only in Sweden but throughout Europe. You will gain an understanding of textile processes that few other graduates can claim.

During the course of the programme, you will have many practical courses where theory and practice are combined in order for you as a student to gain an understanding of the subject and achieve the goals set by the programme. In addition, theoretical and practical knowledge are applied in the project courses where you are trained to bring together all the parts necessary for a specific textile material and product to be put into production. The products and the processes around them will then be considered and analysed from several sustainability aspects.

This programme offers flexibility for you as a student by allowing you to choose between two specialisation tracks with elective courses in textile innovation in the third academic year. These specialisation tracks are Materials Innovation and Product Innovation. The specialisation in Materials Innovation aims to give you more in-depth knowledge at the fibre level, in textile functionalisation, and in smart textiles. The specialisation in Product Innovation gives you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of the development and creation of innovative and technical products.

The degree project is the last course within the programme and is an independent project (termed degree project) comprising 15 credits. The project topic will be rooted in business and industry or research and the implementation and examination follow the academic requirements regarding method and report writing. In this way, you will gain an understanding of the needs of the business and industry community as well as of what you as a new graduate will be able to contribute.

Career opportunities

After graduation, there are many job opportunities. For example, roles such as project and innovation coordinator, production manager, compliance coordinator and material, trim, or product developer. You can also pursue further studies. Our Master's programme in Technical Textile Innovation is a perfect match for further studies in the field. 

For application questions, contact the Admissions Office.
For other questions, contact, Student Reception.