The Human Perspective in Care

Our research questions are focused on patient safety, care environment, communication and caring conversations, senior citizens, management, and organisation.

The Human Perspective in Care

About our research

Regardless of what perspective we take when studying care, we need to understand how people experience and are affected by what occurs. At the University of Borås we want to contribute to making care more humane, safe, and secure, whether that regards meetings, assessments, organisation, or the caring treatment.

More and more care these days takes place outside of the traditional hospital environment; for example, in the home or ambulance. We have, moreover, an aging population that lives longer with illness. This can lead to, among other things, advanced care and high-tech healthcare performed patients or their loved ones. This creates new challenges for those who work within care.

The University of Borås conducts leading research nationally within emergency and prehospital healthcare; this occurs in particular within Research Group and Centre PreHospen. 

The university provides doctoral education in the Human Perspective in Care within the research education area of Caring Science.


Annelie Sundler, Research Supervisor of the research area The Human Perspective in Care
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