BHS-seminariet | Public libraries addressing social problems: a new role in a reconfigured welfare society?

Välkommen till seminariet Public libraries addressing social problems: a new role in a reconfigured welfare society? med Sofia Lindström Sol och Jenny Johannisson, Högskolan i Borås, och John Brauer, Örebro universitet.


Språk: Engelska vid behov, annars svenska

Ordförande: Ola Pilerot

Seminariet kommer behandla en ansökan till FORTE vars sammanfattning här följer på engelska:

"Increased social unrest in Swedish public libraries has been the focus of media debates and studies conducted by the trade union DIK. What is sometimes referred to as manifestations of social problems, such as mental illness, substance abuse, homelessness and socio-economic vulnerability, have become increasingly common in public libraries. As a consequence, some libraries have employed library social workers. A recent national survey of public libraries shows that almost one in five implements initiatives addressing various social problems. The report (SOU 2020:47) that forms the basis for the new Social Services Act also argues that cultural and leisure activities, including public libraries, have an important preventive role in social welfare. This project aims to explore the role of public libraries in addressing social problems. In particular, the project studies the collaboration between public libraries, public welfare organisations and/or civil society organisations as a way of addressing what are seen as social problems in the library space."

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Sofia Lindström Sol
Jenny Johannisson
John Brauer, Örebro Universitet