Svenja Keune
Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi (inklusive Textilhögskolan)
— Institutionen för design
Signatur: SVKE

Hoppa till huvudinnehållet
Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi (inklusive Textilhögskolan)
— Institutionen för design
Signatur: SVKE
Keune, S., Ludwig, C., Cerna, K., Schure, A. t., Tabet, J., Staying with Complexity through Multispecies Companionship at the I.N.S.E.C.T. Summer Camp 2023 2024
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
Ståhl, Å., Keune, S., Hruza, S., Holding Surplus House, exploring built environment through giving form to a household that takes what is at hand – and striving to share a surplus 2024
Cerna, K., Altarriba Bertran, F., Keune, S., Ståhl, Å., Resmini, A., Falk, J., Hruza, S., Tiny pop-up living labs: augmenting physical space to to facilitate co-design 2024
Keune, S., Ludwig, C., Ilgun, A., I.N.S.E.C.T—Summercamp: Developing Multispecies Design Perspectives, Practices, and Discourse Through Co-creating (in) Community 2023
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
Designing and Living with Organisms (DLO)
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